It has been one heck of a year. Normally, I would be full of stories of deep thought in the creation of new works. However, this particular year has been unlike any other. I shall call this the year of window shopping for the future.
In the next couple of months I will be working toward a new framework and mentally recapping on my practice over the last decade and perhaps even longer.
This year has reminded me that I am resilient and I shall be throwing this into my work to come. Sooo stay tuned we are going to dig deep. Flipping stones and skipping the rocks!
Hello blog it's me Erica. Let's go and have some introspective fun!
Baby me from my early studio years.
Baby me jumping head first into the beginning of the digital days
Hello world!
Welcome to blog from my brain. I will be telling stories. Talking with other creatives. Discuss process and my method. behind my work Share practice milestones and we’ll just pull the lid back on life and pour it out on to the screen.
Until soon.