Resist, Re-live and Proceed
December 29, 2020
As an artist, creating a reflection of the world is not only a task but also a responsibility given to us to document the status of history.
2020 was rife with examples of challenge and beauty. The driving factors behind this performance were humanity as it is represented in beauty, silence, suffering and pain. Borders were blocked, approaching others became dangerous, and voices had been silenced through the masses of others. We have shown great accomplishment through despair, but we have also viewed the self-entitled and selfish approach to those who do not seem to matter to others beyond their blinders. Facts have become mute and fiction has become reality. We have seen the loss of many and felt the abandonment of those who are supposed to protect us. It is in these realities that a day will be entered and closed to represent a year in its entirety. Not just through one lens but also through the views and thoughts of others.
As with much of that year, it is to be entered in a harsh environment where the conditions are bleak and cold. Choices will be given to all to pass the weight, pain and suffering of their emotions upon the soul of a year. The weight shall slowly bury the presentation of self as those around deliver it back into the ground where it began. The journey out the difficult boundaries will lead to the deliverance of self-reflection and release—all while in silence from a world that has left so many voiceless. At the end, the weight shall be released to cross over the borders of resistance so that a year can end with a sigh of the breath to represent all. Warmth shall return and the expression of souls and voices shall be documented forever.
Resist, Re-Live and Proceed was performed on Tuesday, December 29th 7:29am-5:30pm (Official Sunrise to Sunset of that day). Over head view by Christian Vasquez 2020
© 2024 Erica Felicella