The Ending Begin


In life healthy endings require a complete disconnect. Energy is the tie that binds and yet left invisible to the naked eye. It can stay connected even after possibilities of physical reconnection had faded and moved on the tethers of energy shared remain. These tethers can pass through a material space and remain linked between parties that no longer seek the solace that once existed. To become free once more they must be severed for a new beginning. 

Connectivity is something we all carry in life, and it is typically the invisible webbing between all things. Energy is a felt connection yet unless harnessed on the physical plane it is left unseen and wild. I hope to harness these tendrils of energy to make them truly vanish once more into the ether. Connections can leave a trace that sometimes need to be altered for the sustainability of the whole system. Leaving the past where it belongs so that the energy is free to reconnect to a future. 


Trapped in a standstill between the physical and unseen planes of energy dispersant. Energy is still flowing through a closed off world of what once was. To begin anew these tendrils of past connection that remain need to be severed.

© 2024 Erica Felicella